Re: SRSG firing problems
Nathan, I'm no expert but there is definitely something wrong with your
coil besides the spark gap. I got about 25" out of my 4x16" using 12nF
and a 12/60! And that was with a horrible two-bolt spark gap! With
that RQ gap in yours you should be getting at least 25"! I think if
your tuning is that far off it's not surprising you are having RSG
problems. If my tuning is way off my gap doesn't like to fire.
I think you're trying to go about things in reverse order! I'd get the
tuning right with the RQ gap and then try the SRSG. Also, I think
someone may have already mentioned both these, but test each HV terminal
of your NST to ground to make sure one leg of your NST isn't dead.
Also, make SURE the bottom of your secondary is connected to a GOOD
ground. On my 4x16", I got little to no output and sometimes SG failure
because my secondary ground had come loose.
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Nathan Ball" <nateburg@hotmail.com>
> Hello, all
> Now I've run into more problems. I hooked up my coil again (finally!) and
> ran it with my new SRSG. It fires for 1 or 2 presentations, then stops and
> won't start again. The transformer (15/60) is still buzzing, and I can hear
> the wires I run it through to the coil buzzing too like they do normally,
> but the gap won't fire.
> I tried out the setup without my rotary, with my RQ gap on about 9 sections.
> 0.003" spacing. I got good strong 9" of output, which unfortunately is a
> new record. Too bad. I would much rather have the new record be 30 or 40",
> breaking my previous of 8". :(
> I am now running it with 10nF of capacitance. I really think I should be
> getting more output if I can get the darn rotary to fire.
> Does anybody know what I could do to make it work? I don't appear to be
> getting any breakdown in the caps (at least the one in the tupperware bucket
> I can see), and have run it again and again, turning it on, (Bang! rotary
> fires 1 or 2 presentations, then stops) and off. Then on again, same thing,
> and off. the transformer is buzzing all the while. Shoot! the electrodes
> are WELL withing firing distance.
> What should I do? If I can get the rotary to work, then I can start trying
> to add more primary turns and tune it further. But until then, I am feeling
> a bit at a dead end.
> Thank you!
> regards,
> Nathan
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