Re: HV connectors needed!
Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> on 03.01.2000 15:25:30
To: tesla@pupman.com
cc: (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject: Re: HV connectors needed!
>Original Poster: NickandSim@aol.com
>Hi Marco,
> why do you need an HV connector? (to connect HV, duh :-) Most
>of the time you can get away with using 4mm bannana plugs and having an
>earthed metal cover to flip over them once you've done the connecting.
>Nick Field
How's that!?
I have a SMPS housed in a 19" rack. I have four units (5 kV each) to connect in
series, then to connect to a measuring board (on the rack) and then to
bring the
resulting 20 kV to my TC (primary + capacitor). As all the boards are in boxed
frames, with panels, I have to get through the panel with a socket + plug
I can't go through the DIN connectors in the rear as they won't stand suck high
Was your idea good for flying connections (no panel)? Please, specify.