Fun with Helium
Hi List
I recently managed to get my hands on a cylinder of Helium (no
questions, no pack drill). Mike Tucknott came over yesterday and we
proceeded to experiment haphazardly with my small coil and the Helium.
First of all we tried filling a large glass jar (about 400mm diameter)
with helium and sealing it with a makeshift plug. We put a brass rod
through the centre to act as an electrode. We tried various
configurations, electrode connected to toriod and electrode connected to
ground with coil arcing to electtrode. This latter one produced the best
effects, although it wasn't much different to what it would look like
with just air in the jar.
We then decided to try and replicate what we had seen in a video (John
Freau's I think). This was to drape a PTFE 6mm ID tube around the
garage, suspended by string and to have a small positive pressure of
Helium in the tube. We then fired the coil near (<10") from the tubing.
Very impressive pinkish \ white light zipping around the tube. I seem to
remember in the video we saw it was Argon that was being used, which
seemed to emit a purer white light.
The fun was stopped by my HV tranny arcing to the case. The poor thing
is not long for this world I fear.
I am awaiting the return of a friend of mine who has a cool little DV
camera. When she gets back, I'll take some footage of this and stick it
on my website (yet to go online)
Happy Coiling
Steve Crawshaw
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