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But if you are talking about a TC using a static gap, the maximum charging
voltage on the capacitor (and surge current) will in no way depend upon the
residual charge. The will gap will always fire at the same voltage
regardless of where the capacitor starts.
Regards, Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA
>Original Poster: "Steve Young" <youngs@konnections.com>
>Hi folks,
>The following is a question for those who can base their answers on actual
>measurements (scope traces, etc.):
>I am interested in knowing what the approximate typical residual voltage is
>immediately after a "bang" of the spark gap. Assume the TC has operated
for a >half a minute or so to achieve typical spark gap conditions
(temperature, ions, >etc.).
>I visualize if the cap charges up to V volts, then right after a bang (gap
>conducting until the next bang) it will be less than a tenth V, since the
>is quite a low impedance while it is conducting.
>This information should be useful for determining the peak current one can
>expect in the cap, which could be useful in designing MMCs. If the cap
>discharges to near zero volts, then the peak current will be about V/Z for
>bang, where Z is the impedance seen by the cap during the start of each
bang. >But if the residual cap voltage ends up at, say, half V, than the
peak current could >be up to 1.5V/Z on the next half-cycle of the AC
>Thanks in advance for comments, and welcome to another great (and safe!)
year >of coiling!
>--Steve Young