Re: NST Inductance
Calculate the estimated inductance from the impedance it must have to limit
the current. On a 15/30, the impedance has to be 15K/30m = 500 Kohms.
Using 60 Hz, the inductance (calculated from X = 2 * pi * f * L ==> L =
X/(2*pi*f) ==> L = x/377) is 500K/377 or, about 1300 H.... somewhat beyond
the range of your inductance meter...
> From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
> To: tesla@pupman.com
> Subject: NST Inductance
> Date: Friday, December 31, 1999 5:31 PM
> Original Poster: Parpp807@aol.com
> Hi all,
> I tried to use my Wavetek 27XT to measure the inductance of a 15/30 and a
> 15/60
> NST. The meter reads OL on all inductance ranges. Is the NST inductance
> more than
> 20 Henrys? What are some typical inductance values for a NST?
> Happy New Year,
> Ralph Zekelman