Re: adhesive for SG help
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Stan <sdarling@columbus.rr.com>
> Hello everyone,
> Snip
When I picked up the gap
> assembly afterwards to check for arcing/melting several of the tubing
> pieces just fell right off.
snip again
Hi Stan ...
a common practice used in glueing metal parts to other nonporous
surfaces is to drill a few small holes in the pipe and allow the glue to
push up into and over the holes ( like mushrooms) slightly filling the
tubes a bit be sure to rough up the inside of the PVC with some 80
grit paper to increase adherance strength on the plastic side a 15
min epoxy works well and if you are really good at keeping epoxies
from running try JB Weld ( be cautioned tho it contains metallic
parts that WILL conduct)
also it sounds like you may need to cool your assy a bit with a muffin
fan ( the fans used to cool computer power supplies)
Scot D