Re: cap value
Did you consider that each layer sees the other layer on BOTH sides of the
alluminum foil. The area should include BOTH sides.
At 07:35 PM 1/30/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Original Poster: Robert Volk <smrtmny2@earthlink.net>
>Hi all!
>I'm rolling my first poly caps. I've followed Mike Hammers advice making
>3 - .03 uF caps in series using 4 layers 6 mil poly and 2 layers heavy
>duty aluminum foil.
>My question is this: I just put my first two on the meter and they read
>60 nf! I have not filled the pvc with oil yet, so this is a dry
>measurement. Have I done something wrong? Or does the dry measurement
>not coincide with oil filled/vacumn pumped one?
>I laid two layers of 6mil poly/foil/2 layers of poly/foil and rolled
>them up tightly. Total area was 828 sq. inches. Using the calcs this
>should give me .03 uF - HELP!?
>I don't want to waste oil filling these up if they're wrong. any advice
>today is GREATLY appreciated.
>Bob V