
Re: Self-tuning Tesla coil

In a message dated 00-02-28 13:19:33 EST, you write:

<< Original Poster: spam_proof@worldnet.att.net 
> I'm thinking of designing a "self-tuning" coil.  Instead of using a spark
> gap to generate frequencies (which my secondary will resonate on), I'm
> thinking of the following:


A typical TC does not use the spark gap to generate frequencies to
which the secondary is tuned.  Rather the primary tank is tuned to
the secondary frequency and the spark gap acts only as a switch.
> 1.  A computer generates a frequency which is amplified to the point where
> I can drive the primary with it.

You will get no energy storage so the coil will not be "efficient" , in
other words you'll need to use a lot of power to get a certain spark

John Freau
              >        - A. Banerjee