Re: Enhancing a NST
> Original Poster: Megavolt121@aol.com
> My question is for all those who have tried to depot and enhance an NST for
> more output. Yesterday while trying this out, i got arcing between the
> secondary and the Core. What kind of insulations can i use to prevent this
> arcing?? I'm hoping to stay away from oils of anytype, but i might have to
> use those if i can't resolve this arcing problem.
You can use the same 0.030" or 0.040" low density polyethylene sheeting that
we use for homemade capacitors. It works great!!! Securing it around the
secondaries with 3M fiberglass electrical tape, or silicone high-temp
electrical tape is a winning combination. I have retrofit 3 NSTs this way
with no failures. Today, I started depotting #4. I repot my transformers
in paraffin wax, but they seemed to run ok dry. You can avoid the oil. You
will probably not be able to get the transformer clean enough, and it would
just soil the oil anyways.