ARRRRGHHHHH was second light....
>Original Poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <tesla123@pacbell.net>
> > Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>Hey Chris,
>Good Job! To you and all the Geek Group!
>Glad to hear of your acheivement with a salty cap and a basic gap. Probably
>lot of losses in that cap too. Take a look at the cap - if you see corona,
>can count on losses. The MMC should rectify that.
Well, the SW cap was sealed in a bucket, and under a full inch of new oil.
So there is no corona, and if there was, we wouldn't be able to see it. We
DID see some light coming out of it, coincidentally, that's the EXACT moment
when the coil stopped working. Autopsy to be performed on Monday. Suspected
dialectric breakdown and punchthrough.
We haven't depotted the 15/60's yet, I have to get a hotplate.
We paralelled 15/30's for our testing last night, but didn't get the same
performance at all, even with similar power levals. The weather is suspected
to be the reason.
We need an indoor testing site.
We shot a TON of pics, they'll be on the site by the time this posts to the
list. www.geekgroup.org
We also tried some Toroid experiments. :)
1 18X4" painted with Black Enamel. Looked cool, slightly diminished output,
but barely noticeable.
1 18X4" with several Neon and Argon filled 1/8"dia glass tubes on top.
Looked REALLY cool.
We also built yet ANOTHER Crap Gap (left the last one at the park, some putz
STOLE it.....WHY???? who steals a spark gap?), 11 gaps of varying distance,
blown. Mounted on 1/2" UHMW. This gap is our best yet. And it still
The Jenson (or jefferson.....whatever) NST's died quickly. The cheap France
NST's I have YET to kill one. This boggles my mind.
We ran for an hour with an apprx 50% Duty Cycle on a pair of France 15/30's
and didn't kill them. I had $5 saying they lasted less than 5min.
I never thought we would kill the SW caps. I knew they were weak, but after
the abuse they have taken I figured we would have a hard time killing them.
We did it. It took me a while to figure out what happened, I thought it was
the NST's. Only when we saw the light in the bucket did we know.
Oh well, another week of repairs, and yet ANOTHER bucket cap.
Have fun.
Chris B.
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