
Re: NST Protection and Filters

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Mark Broker" <broker@uwplatt.edu>
> <snip>
> > While I am on the subject of protection, can someone tell me how to
> > properly filter for EMI?  Do you hook up a filter to the power lines
> > leading to the RSG motor?  How are filters rated, in amps?  watts?  How
> > do I properly match a filter to my coil?  Sources and part numbers?
> RFIs are listed by current (and voltage).  Newark (www.newark.com) and, as
> already noted, DigiKey (www.digikey.com) sells them.  I am planning on
> getting a couple Corcon's from Newark for my coil.  They are quite reasonable
> (less than $30 for a 120VAC/20A model).  Newark also has a FAR larger
> selection of just about everything.
> For a 15/60 with a 100% PFC cap, you'll probably be pulling about 8A from the
> wall (@120VAC).  I wouldn't really recommend a 10A RFI filter - go with a 20A
> one.  Also, I would recommend using a seperate RFI filter for the motor, as
> well.
> Mark

Mark and all,

One of the less expensive places for filters is MECI: 

Check out the Filters section, and you'll find CD or CORCOM filters:
20A for $1.95
37A for $3.95
40A for $5.95

Never pay full price unless you have NO choice... :^)

-- Bert --