Re: EG&G thyratron identification question
Gavin and all,
Nice catch! These are 20kV 500A (peak), with cathode heater rating of
6.3V/7.5A and a hydrogen reservoir heater rating of 6.3V/4A. The reason
you may be having problems finding data on these is that EG&G split up a
while back, and most of their "interesting stuff" (spark gaps,
thyratrons, flash lamps, trigger transformers, etc.) went to Perkin
Elmer's Electro-Optics Division.
The GOOD News us that you can find datasheets on the HY-11 and other
EG&G thyratrons at:
Most ceramic thyratrons have the heater and reservoir terminals marked,
the metal base is the cathode, and one of more grids look like metal
rings isolated by ceramic. The anode is the metal plate at the opposite
the cathode end.
BTW, this site also has some very interesting reading about spark gaps,
including triggered spark gap application notes - check out:
-- Bert --
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Gavin Hubbard" <ghub005@xtra.co.nz>
> Hello list members,
> My favourite surplus/junk store has a stack of new ceramic hydrogen
> thyratrons that were purchased as part of a box lot from the NZ Navy.
> The component markings are as follows:
> EG&G
> HY-11T
> MADE IN U.S.A. 9122
> MFR 25506
> Does anyone have pin-outs or data-sheets for these tubes? I've looked in
> all the usual places but haven't found any references.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Gavin Hubbard