Re: Second Light, SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
Hey Chris,
Good Job! To you and all the Geek Group!
Glad to hear of your acheivement with a salty cap and a basic gap. Probably a
lot of losses in that cap too. Take a look at the cap - if you see corona, you
can count on losses. The MMC should rectify that.
> With another 15/60 added for 120mA, what can we expect for arcs?
Well, we would think "lot's more", wouldn't we? I may get "flamed" a bit, but I
think you'll be around the 48 - 50 inch realm even with 12/120. I know, sorry
for the "let down". According to input watts, you "should" acheive 64.5 inches.
You might, but in your particular case, I think the 120 bps operation will
you to ~50 inches. However, IF you should build a rotary gap capable of
increasing your breakrate to say 270 bps (which I think is optimum for your
coil), you should get almost 70 inches. A sync gap for your coil would optimize
at 240 bps, so 270 would have to be a dc drive. 240 bps should get you right at
the input watts arc length of ~ 65 inches. I'm not completely sure if I'm right
about this. I've been working on "something" for a while regarding what is
really going on in the "effective" energy per second area and the effect on
spark length. So, should you upgrade to 120mA leaving your gap the same (or
upgrading to something else), please let us (me) know the results, regarless of
what they are.
Good luck and again - Great Job! - stay safe!