
Re: Scot's spark gap in progress

In a message dated 2/25/00 6:01:35 AM Central Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<<  also didnt want
 to leave any room for softening of the base plates and any chance of the
 tubes moving out of parallel. >>

Hi Scot,

Seems you went to a lot of work. I'm lazier so I think I will just go with 
the carefully
located drill holes. The tubes hold tight. I don't understand the part about 
not wanting
to leave any room for softening of the base plates?? Seems to me that by 
like that you will only weaken the G-10 and remove mass from right where you 
it to carry off the heat. Please tell me how much space you have between the
cylinders? I figure 1/2 diameter would be about right???? Besides, I have a 
drill that I can use for a nice gauge.   :-))

Thanks for the help.

Happy Day,
Ralph Zekelman