Re: Biggg coil in Oklahoma
In a message dated 2/24/00 6:35:15 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< Original Poster: "Kevin R Eldredge" <kreld@juno.com>
Project Biggg coil is under way here in Oklahoma, due to be finished
this Spring. (hopefully). Power input is expected to be near or at 20 kW
as the control unit is now finished and tested. The current control
will be reactive & resistive ballast. No variac in the main power
control to the high voltage transformer, only switchable inductors &
The reactive control uses separate toroidal cores with high current
switches for a range of 0 to 13 mH. The resistors are multiple heater
elements, with a range of 0.5 ohm to 0.01 ohm approx.
The rotary is a 240 B.P.S. sync. 2 H.P. motor turning a 12" G-10 disk.
Work will now start on the 20 kV 15 kW transformer rewind, then the
secondary coil, followed by the primary coil.
A 20 foot tower is built ready to be erected near my shop to aid in
installing the home built toroid onto the secondary. Design of the
toroid will be similar to Bert Pool's/Bill Emery's large toroid which
seems to work well, and is economical.(no big $$$$$ spun aluminum toroid
for me).
Future posts will be made as progress continues. Pic's of the Biggg
coil can be seen at www.flash.net/~kreld/newpage5.htm
Coiling in windy Oklahoma
Kevin E. >>
Sounds like a heck of a project. Should be some good sparks from that
set-up. With no variac and max 13 mh and one half ohm for ballast, I would
think your minimum current will be quite high for initial tuning. I would
suggest powering the transformer up as a jacobs ladder and measure the
primary current with different set ups. Careful here, that much current will
tend to melt .50" dia copper tubing (used as a jacobs ladder) quickly.
Ed Sonderman