
Second Light, SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have never been so happy! 

After spending most of last night and all of today designing and building 
our new finished control panel, spliceing another 20' on our primary (that 
we didn't need it turns out), and painting our new NST's (that I killed 2 
of....I know, protection circuit, I know....but I HAD to fire this today, I 
have no regrets.) our Project SAM is a success!

4' to air, and 5-6' to a grounded rod (Actually a copper statue of a little 
girl :))

2 15/60 NST's (I'm buying a hotplate tomarrow)
1 fingertip (hot steel looks JUST like cold steel....lol)

Alright, if I just melt the tar inside the NST's to get rid of the carbon 
track, and stirr a bit, they will work again, right?

How many times can they be "remelted" and still work?

With the 15/60 it tuned in in less than an hour, we took our time and did it 
right. The safety worked great, and we even used a GFI outlet without 
trouble (outdoor outlet in a city park).

We used BOTH toroids and retuned (2 more turns) and the spark output 
increased dramatically.

I never dreamed this would be so much fun :) I also never thought I would 
get 4' with the "Crap-Gap" and SW caps.
I can't wait for a MMC and the real gap! With another 15/60 added for 120mA 
what can we expect for arcs?

Alright guys, now we HAVE to build that protection circuit.....this is 
getting expensive. I cannot afford to kill 2 NST's a night. But tonight was 
special, our first REAL night of coiling. and I still have 3 12/60's to play 
with. Hot will I have to change my setup to make them work in place of the 

Chris "learning to repot" Boden and the illustrious crowd at
The Geek Group, because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

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