
Re: shopping :) and a little tinkering

> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>

Hi Chris.  See comments interspersed

> We also have a line on what appears to be somewhat of a Dry-Pig. A large
> cube transformer with 4" tall bushings on top. Rated approx 20KV at 1A, it's
> massive and looks very promising :) Though I don't think we are ready for
> such a beast, i'm not stupid enough to let this pass me by. It can sit and
> collect dust in MY lab for 6 months, not theirs :).

    Exactly how big is it?  Sounds like a beaty--it should serve you for a
*very* long while.  Don't be surprised if it needs hecka current limiting,
however.  Does it say what type of transformer it is?  Manufacturer?  Date?

> Making preps this evening for "Second Light" tomarrow, and would like some
> advise/tips. Here's the proposed setup.
> 10.5"ID 15 turn .25" Cu spaced @ .25" Primary (we added 20' for another 3
> APPLICATION? We flared (ripped) one piece and slipped it into the other, but
> it's not very good and looks like poo.

    Poo isn't good, is it?  We want the coil to be aesthetically pleasing as
well as the sparks. ; ))  You might be able to find 1/4 inch pipe
caps/connectors and grind off the ends.  (I'm not sure they are even sold in
diameters less than 1/2 inch)  If you can't find "hard" connectors of any sort,
try aluminum tape (found in many hardware stores)  However this doesn't tend to
be a good solution to these kinds of problems, as the adhesive doesn't conduct.
I've run out of ideas--but I'm sure others have more.

> bolts in a piece of UHMW with short bits of 10AWG solid wraped around them
> with the ends pointing up and gapped apart to the next one :) We have 4 or 5
> gaps.

    If you have a blower or vacuum cleaner, or even a floor fan, stick it
on the
gap.  It's the easiest mod to your current setup, and the one that will
help the most.  Get those ions outta there.

> Alright, any ideas? Expected output? (we have a pool going....lol)

    23" with the fan.  Add all your 15 60's together, and improve the gap even
more, and expect 50"+.  Stick the 20kva piggy on there and. . . actually don't
stick the 20kva piggy on there.  Just don't.
