Re: triac mains switch
Hi Jan,
> Original Poster: "Jan Florian Wagner" <jwagner@cc.hut.fi>
> Hi,
> has anyone a tested&working schematic for a triac switch to switch on
> t.ex. a NST?
> I've built one, it looked and seemed so simple, but I can't help smoking
> one triac after the other when I remove my current limiting 1kW cloth
> iron. :(
What is the part number of the triac are you using?
> I've tried reducing dV/dt on switch-off (snubber: 40nF cap 1kOhm
> resistor, p=0.4..0.6), used triacs up to 800VAC and 10A, added and
> removed line filters. Also, before my last on-stock triac popped, I had a
> 10uF PFC cap accross my 220V 2.1A, 8kV 400VA rated NST (does 10uF sound
> reasonable, by the way?).
Could be bigger. There have been formulae posted in the last
couple of weeks. Check the archives.
What's this about a 2.1A rating? Have you measured it?
> Could you give me some tips on this triac thing? Or some alternative?
> I don't want to use a relais, instead, opto-couplers & triac. No SCRs,
> they are too expensive here. Can I use diacs somehow for this?
Is a triac the cheapest switch you can get?
> many thanks all!
> --
> *************************************************
> Jan Florian Wagner
> high voltage at http://www.hut.fi/~jwagner