
DC vs AC TC (was Re: NST->DC Re: CGA Monitor Flyback)

Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> on 22.02.2000 15:03:06

To:   tesla@pupman.com
cc:    (bcc: Marco Denicolai/MARTIS)
Subject:  NST->DC Re: CGA Monitor Flyback ???

Original Poster: "Jan Florian Wagner" <jwagner@cc.hut.fi>

>To make a DC Tesla coil using a NST, can I use HV rectifiers on the NST
>secondary side? Or is this a bad idea with NSTs?

There is NO BENEFIT in my knowledge using a DC tank instead of an AC tank.
Others correct me please if I am wrong.

Regardless of how you charge the primary capacitor, it will assume a certain
polarity (different during different AC cycles, of course). At bang time this
voltage will oscillate (that is, you'll get IN ANY CASE AC voltage and
And that is just what makes all the TC work.

If you wanted to regulate the charging voltage, to achieve repeatibility and a
certain degree of precision, than you'd use a DC supply. Just to get rid of all
those AC / RSG phase dependance and to get a repeatable bang. I bet you are not
aiming at that, aren't you?
