Re: First Light for me :-)
Hi Neal,
Congrats on your first sparks. It sounds as if a serious
effort is needed to tune your coil properly. Safety gap firing is an
indication of poor tuning and/or coupling. Also, adjust coupling if
racing sparks occur or as best tune point is approached. Your coil
should peak at some combination of settings.
> Original Poster: "Neal Whitaker" <NDWhitaker@Worldnet.att.net>
> Hey guys and gals,
> I got my first light over the weekend. Oh what a wonderful sight! I
> don't think I have ever seen something so pretty. I got arcs to a
> ground rod from a surface breakout point of about 5.5"{139.7mm}. Yea I
> know that's nothing but hey for my first coil and first time ever seeing
> one actual firing I was real impressed. The specs are below and yea I
> have some problems with the design (gotta start somewhere).
> My main problem is the safety gap. I can't get it to stop firing. At
> approx. 40 volts & up of input power it fires about once every two to
> three seconds. I originally had the gap set so it would fire at 130V
> coming into the NST alone but not at 120V. I got agitated with the
> safety and started opening it up ( I know this is dumb but at the time I
> figured I had NST's to burn). I am currently at 1/4" (6.35mm) from each
> leg to the ground bolt. This seems like way to much. Any ideas would
> be appreciated on how to get it to stop firing. I know I need to get a
> protection circuit in there but I had to fire it up. So far the NST's
> are OK but I would prefer not to kill them if I can help it.