
Re: schematics.........

Coments interspersed

>Original Poster: "Alex Crow" <user@alexcrow.clara.net>
>Hold on! The main danger to NSTs (from Terry's simulations and experiments) 
>operating frequency, HF and VHF kickbacks from the 'bang' into the primary
>circuit, which are a given for the way we work.... There is no way to 
>*all* the parasitics of your coil system, since essentially you are hitting 
>resonant circuit hard with a huge pulse, and expecting it to produce just 
>frequency at the terminal. As Terry's experiments have shown, you can 
>multi-hundreds of amps at tens of megahertz to be produced in that tank
>circuit. Your NST will choke this, but within the first layer of so of the
>winding, resulting in a rather excessive voltage difference between that 
>and the rest. Guestimating ---> dead NST!


I have seen that Chokes don't work too well. Why not? If the last few turns 
of the sec absorb the most impact, why doesn't a choke work? as it would 
seem these are just a few turns of wire as well. hmmmmmm

>Start with a good RC filter - it won't take you five minutes (like I did) 
>rig up four 1.5k resistors, two in series on each NST leg, with bottle caps
>between the middle of each series pair and RF ground. Try to get resistors
>rated about 100+ Watts. You'll be laughing, not crying!!!
>Alex Crow

Where can I get the resistors?
Can I use something other than a (beer)bottle cap? What value?

Chris "Just finish the project, we'll buy you a new family!" Boden
The Geek Group
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