
Re: wanted:neon transformers

>Original Poster: Fucian@aol.com
>hi all,does any one have a transformer they are willing to sell or give for
>free to a beggining coiler:)dont have much money or time:(school 
>due any time now and im waiting for some help.

Call around to local neon sign shopps :) With 2 calls I just got 6 NST's 3 
15/60's and 3 12/60's, and probably a couple others as well (I know I have a 
7/100 for sure). I did all this within 3 calls :)

If you are nice you can tell them "A really cool secret for fixing those 
dead ones in the back that can save you a fortune!" and when you save them 
money, they will be more willing to help you with free goodies. Make sure to 
tell them the truth, be courteous, and fair. Remember, you will be dealing 
with these people for YEARS if your lucky, take care of them.

The "secret" btw, is depotting to remove the carbon track :) I also 
explained the concept of Shunts and current limiting to a guy and he was 
enthralled that most NST's can actually put out much more than their rated 
current. I think I may have a newbie coiler for your list Terry :)

hmmmm.....a list member who owns a neon sign shop......this could be nice 
for all of us :)

have fun campers :)

now to paralell 3 NST's...............phaseing......hmmmmmm

Chris Boden
The Geek Group
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