Re: weather influence on TC performance
It seems my new coil suffered a decrease in arc length
when it started to rain here in California today. I think
the drier the weather the longer the arc, but I've been
wrong once before.
At 07:04 AM 2/20/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Robin Copini" <rcopini@merlin.net.au>
>Hi all,
> I have a question involving the performance of TC's and the ambient
>weather conditions. For those that don't know
>I live in Adelaide South Australia - quoted as being the driest state in
>the driest continent on earth. Now for most of
>the spring/summer/autumn, (fall for you guys in the states), it's very
>dry and can get quite hot, temps 37 - 40 degC are quite
>normal for days at a time here.
> Usually this isn't a problem, but this year for whatever reason it's
>also quite HUMID, with levels between 65 - 80% fairly
>regular lately soooooo......
> My TC rather enjoys secondary arcing now instead of the nice arcs I was
>getting when it was not quite so humid. I still get
>arcs from the top load but they are vary numerous, (10 to 15), and
>fairly short, (2 to 3 feet), and at the same time an almost
>continuous secondary arc occurs, not much fun!.
>Now I'm assuming that it's the humidity but is there a cure or do I just
>wait until it dries out a bit? I figure, given the wide
>geographic distribution of the members on this list that someone has
>encountered this before.
>Best Regards in now not so dry OZ
>Robin Copini.