Re: Pole Transformers
Original Poster: "Gavin Hubbard" <ghub005@xtra.co.nz>
So for a total price of $25US I purchased a pig and had it delivered :-)
Be polite and persistent and you can't really go wrong,
Gavin Hubbard
Hi Gavin,
I feel very sad. I'm afraid you just do not know what things are like now
in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Politeness and
persistence come-in second or third place to the importance of not giving
your name and address. Looking for a pole transformer from a public
service company here is liable to get you a home visit by the safety Gestapo.
Thank you for your reply. I now wonder if anyone on the list has been able
to get a pole pig from a US utility company?
Ralph Zekelman