Re: schematics.........
Hold on! The main danger to NSTs (from Terry's simulations and experiments) is
operating frequency, HF and VHF kickbacks from the 'bang' into the primary
circuit, which are a given for the way we work.... There is no way to eliminate
*all* the parasitics of your coil system, since essentially you are hitting a
resonant circuit hard with a huge pulse, and expecting it to produce just one
frequency at the terminal. As Terry's experiments have shown, you can expect
multi-hundreds of amps at tens of megahertz to be produced in that tank
circuit. Your NST will choke this, but within the first layer of so of the
winding, resulting in a rather excessive voltage difference between that layer
and the rest. Guestimating ---> dead NST!
Start with a good RC filter - it won't take you five minutes (like I did) to
rig up four 1.5k resistors, two in series on each NST leg, with bottle caps
between the middle of each series pair and RF ground. Try to get resistors
rated about 100+ Watts. You'll be laughing, not crying!!!
Alex Crow
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
> I understand, but isn't the serious danger to NST's from primary strikes? If
> so, then we're totally safe....for now. We can't even get a decent 10"
> discharge, much less the 2' required to hit the primary.
> We were thinking making a protection circuit with Caps, resistors, and
> MOV's, any ideas for designs and parts sources?