
Re: abreviations..too many for us newbies

Hi All,
          not quite sure what chris was trying to say here ...... but you
won't get any performance increase above about 135V ac into a neon - beyond
that point the extra power is just being eaten by the core.

Nick Field

> and just so you know :)
> Pumping 150V into a 15kV NST will NOT necessarily result
> Applying 150 Volts (AC (Alternateing Current) is implied from context
> transformers don't use DC (Direct Current)) into a 15,000 Volt Neon Sign
> Transformer will not work.
> whos@geekgroup.org ? Heck I dunno, whos@geekgroup.org ?
> Chris Boden, that's who!
> Christopher A. Boden Esq.
> President / Founder
> The Geek Group
> Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
> www.geekgroup.org