
Re: Homemade Trasformer

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "ross andrews" <sflourine@home.com>
>         Hi all,
>         One more thing -- my calculations came up with 14^2 for core
size- why
> isn't it cubic inches?  I wasn't planning on a 2D tranny :P  What am I
> missing??
>         Thanks again,
>         Ross

Hi Ross....

ummmmm  lets see   in my bizzare way i will try to explain this 

you have a stack of post um notes ( 2"w X2"L X 3"h) which have a volume
( cubic " )  but you can only use ( write on) the top piece at a time  
there fore you have only an area of 4 square inches available ...

magnetic flux travels thru the core in the confines of the core
dimentions   and the core area usable by the flux is just a cross
section of that core 

sounds like intergration to me   ewww   calculus ...
did i say that ? 

hope someone else explains it better  ;) 

Scot D