Re: Pole Transformers
In a message dated 2/19/00 7:13:07 AM Central Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< I would look for a two bushing (two high voltage bushings as opposed to
14,400 volt transformer rated at either 5 or 10 kva. I bought mine for
$100.00, which is a good deal. I think some folks have paid close to
for these.
Ed Sonderman
If you can say so without getting the guy from your pub scv co strung up,
what's the name of your company? Where? Here, in S. Central Indiana, I have
Cinergy. After 5-10
minutes of trying to get past the gum-chewing high school kid, I have finally
met the
engineer/management type who can give an intelligent answer: NO. The word
here is that because of possible legal consequences, absolutely under no
circumstances can he sell any of the junk he has piled in the junk yard. They
say that anything as large or
expensive as a capacitor or a pole pig is inventoried and accounted for on a
one-in-one out basis. All that stuff eventually goes to the big bone yard in
Indianapolis. That's the
story. I would like to know how you do it?
Happy day,
Ralph Zekelman