Re: schematics.........
Advise you strongly resist the temptation to run and tune until you have the
protective resistors and caps in place. Unless you enjoy buying NST's.
Dr. Resonance
-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Friday, February 18, 2000 11:46 PM
Subject: schematics.........
>Original Poster: "Christopher Boden" <chrisboden@hotmail.com>
>Alright, here's the system.
>12 turn 1/4"X1/4" primary
>6X24" Sec
>30X4" toroid
>.0125uF SW cap
>Safety Gap
>and a creatively engineered (wood block, brass ball, and bolt) static gap
>(the G-10 has yet to arrive for the real gap)
>plus a keyswitch/variac/deadman control panel.
>other than the safety gap there is no chokes or filters....yet
>and untill I rattle Terry's cage we have to use the SW cap (I WANT AN MMC!)
>now the problem is I need the best possible schematic for our setup to lace
>verything together. Could you guys email us the ones you use? I know there
>are a few different ways to hook this up.
>Also, where should we start for tapping the primary?
>any help would be greatly appreciated......we're having fits looking at
>work of art and not being able to fire it up yet.....ARGH!!!!
>whos@geekgroup.org ? Heck I dunno, whos@geekgroup.org ?
>Chris Boden, that's who!
>Christopher A. Boden Esq.
>President / Founder
>The Geek Group
>Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
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