Alright, here's the system.
12 turn 1/4"X1/4" primary
6X24" Sec
30X4" toroid
.0125uF SW cap
Safety Gap
and a creatively engineered (wood block, brass ball, and bolt) static gap
(the G-10 has yet to arrive for the real gap)
plus a keyswitch/variac/deadman control panel.
other than the safety gap there is no chokes or filters....yet
and untill I rattle Terry's cage we have to use the SW cap (I WANT AN MMC!)
now the problem is I need the best possible schematic for our setup to lace
verything together. Could you guys email us the ones you use? I know there
are a few different ways to hook this up.
Also, where should we start for tapping the primary?
any help would be greatly appreciated......we're having fits looking at this
work of art and not being able to fire it up yet.....ARGH!!!!
whos@geekgroup.org ? Heck I dunno, whos@geekgroup.org ?
Chris Boden, that's who!
Christopher A. Boden Esq.
President / Founder
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!
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