
Re: Secondary ?

In a message dated 2/18/00 6:29:39 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

<< Original Poster: LEST2001@aol.com 
     I have my coil up and running. 
 The specs. Are        3" by 12" secondary.
               10" of #24 wound on a 12" form.
               Primary coil is 8 turns of striped coax cable. 
               MMC arrangement of 2 strings of 10 Panasonic caps rated 1600 V 
               Powered by a 12000 v 60 ma NST. 
     Remarkably I'm getting 16" 20" sparks off a small torpid of spun 
 about 2 ½ " by 6".
     My question is, I have an another secondary already wound it's 4" by 
 about 40" with #20 wire at 30 turns an inch. I know that 40" is to long. So 
 how long should it cut the pre-wound secondary down to? I'm guessing about 
 Thank you all for all the input,

Congratulations on getting your coil running.  On the 4" secondary, I would 
go with a 5:1 ratio maximum - i.e. 20" winding length.

Ed Sonderman