Re: Pole Transformers
In a message dated 2/18/00 6:28:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com
<< Hi,
I've been in contact with the person in charge of selling
surplus equipment from the local power company asking about power
pole transformers. He says that most of them are only sold for
5%-40% market value, but the problem is, when if comes to a bid, I
have no idea what would be a typical bid. I'm not sure of the
specifications of what I'd want, something rather small though, but
could anyone help with the general prices different transformers
might have?
Atheist/Freethinker aa #1622
I would look for a two bushing (two high voltage bushings as opposed to one)
14,400 volt transformer rated at either 5 or 10 kva. I bought mine for
$100.00, which is a good deal. I think some folks have paid close to $200.00
for these.
Ed Sonderman