Re: Homebrew HV trannie
At 04:44 PM 02/15/2000 -0700, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Grayson B Dietrich" <electrofire@juno.com>
>Hello, All
>as long as the subject is up again, I'll ask this. Would the transformer
>cores from a large (250A) arc welder seem suitable for a rewind as HV
>transformers? I may be able to get my hands on a scrapped unit, with
>three very large such transformers in it. One has the variable core
>shunt, the other two don't have any mena of adjustment. But, there is a
>high/low current setting switch on it, so it may switch one or both of
>them in or out of circuit, I suppose.
>They seem rpime for a rewind, as the only thing holding on the "I"
>section of the E-I core are little strips of metal thinly welded on. A
>few minutes with an angle grinder will take care of it.
>I'm not sure what can wear out on an arc welder, but the people who have
>it tell me that it is unusable. Each core (E-I style) seems to have about
>a 16"^2 cross section. How many kVA could I push one too?
>Grayson Dietrich
i dont think the core of a arc welder will work at all beacuse i was going
to do the same thing as you but then thought about the size of the HV
windings and the insulation that goes along with them. i got a very large
broken 550 amp 45v dc arc welder from a local buisness that is going out of
buisness and gave it to me for free. the main power xfmr might have worked
for such a purpose except for the fact that it was GIGANTIC and would have
been imobile after winding. then i thought about how easy it would be to
just buy a pole pig from somewhere (i dont have one yet) and use the pole
pig to power your coil.