
Re: Reducing Self Resonance In Rolled Caps

Date forwarded: 	Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:43:59 -0700
Date sent:      	Tue, 15 Feb 2000 11:50:17 -0700
To:             	tesla@pupman.com
Subject:        	Reducing Self Resonance In Rolled Caps
Forwarded by:   	tesla@pupman.com
From:           	Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>

> Original Poster: "William Parn" <parn@fgm.com> 
> I am still very new and learning, however here goes.
> I have heard a lot about rolling caps, however there also
> appears to be size limitation due to self resonating
> qualities of rolled caps.  Can we just roll them using
> extended foil design so as to prevent self resonance?
> What I mean here is to extend the foil out 
> the top of one plate and then extend it out the bottom
> of the other plate.  Roll it up and then bring all 
> the foil at the top together and make a connection
> then do the same at the bottom.
> Has this been tried?
> If yes, What are the results?
> Would this prevent self resonance?
> Many Thanks,
> Bill Parn

Hello Bill,

That's exactly the way I'am gone make my new cap's. I'am very 
confident about this approach. The current will (if cap is connected 
well) flow from both directions into the cap and will be almost 
immediate on the right spot, so the inductance will be defined by 
the lenght of the cap not by the length of te foil! I have a large 
amount of ldpe of 0.125 mm (5 mil) and I will put the rolls into PVC 
pipes and close them with massive metal discs with a screw-hole 
in the middle of it (I need still to determine where to get these 
complete and ready). I hope I do not have to use oil, by connecting 
them serial.   

Met vriendelijke groet,

Ruud de Graaf
Software Engineer
Oce Nederland B.V.
tel: 073-6815303