
Re: Got my first coil running!!

	Hi Jon,

	Great looking coil!  I wish mine had turned out that nice! :P
	One thing I'm wondering about tho...I noticed that your spark gap
consists of 8 or so spark plugs in series - I don't know right off hand
if this makes a big difference, but what about the resistors that are
built in to most plugs?  All wired in series, they might rob you of some
power, no?  Anyone know the specifics?


Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Jon Lagler" <rockcrawl@netzero.net>
> I got my first Tesla coil running yesterday. My longest streamer was about
> 16-18" to a hanging grounded object with a 12/30 NST and compressed air
> across my spark gap. I was wondering how I will know when it's pefectly in
> tune. Is there a way to tell other than spark length? How hard is it to find
> just the right point? My coil can be seen at:
> <http://www.fortunecity.com/silverstone/impala/403/tesla.html>http://www.fo
> rtunecity.com/silverstone/impala/403/tesla.html .The primary is 50' of 1/4"
> tubing, about 14.5 turns, and the secondary is 22" of 22 ga. aluminum wire on
> PVC drain pipe (thin wall). I know Alum wire may not be the best, but I
> accidently bought 29 pounds of it. As soon as I can get ahold of some 22 ga
> copper, I'll make an identical coil and compare them. I'm using a 4"
dryer duct
> toroid.
>  Oh, and I did manage to fry a balast in a flourescent light above.