
Re: Toploads that bite

In a message dated 2/15/00 8:04:43 PM Central Standard Time, tesla@pupman.com 

Hi Ruud,

Yes, thank you for the comprehensive answer.
I guess the lesson is that safe coiling should always take advantage of 
safety habits. Wires can come loose and windings can open. Anything that can 
will happen.

 I have never been high. I trust this true for Ed and all other coilers.

Ralph Zekelman

<< High Ralph (and Ed and all other coilers),
>>>>>>>The reason that the tank capacitor does not discharge via de HV 
 transformer is that it will see (after ionisation of the air by a top of 
 the High Voltage 50 or 60 Hz sinus wave) a very low impedance 
 path through the Tesla primary coil. The apparent resistance for the 
 initiated radio wave pulse of the HV transformer secondary is much 
 to high (because of the high impedance of the secondary). 
 In a way you are right. Some current will flow back into the HV 
 transformer secondary if you disconnect the Tesla coil. In that 
 situation the capacitor is just a very small load for the 50/60 Hz
 Does this answer satisfy you?
 Ruud de Graaf