Re: 204 Tube Data
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Herwig Roscher" <herwig.roscher@gmx.de>
> Ed Phillips wrote:
> >The 204 is indeed of historical interest. It had its origins in the
> > World War 1 "P" tube developed by GE circa 1918 and its improved
> > variant, the VT-10.
> Ed,
> Being the original questioner I'd like to point out, that I've asked for
> the YU 204 which is different from the a.m. 204 tube. The YU 204
> was used by Siemens for a part of a computer tomograph. They
> placed it on a PCB with relatively modern components.Furthermore
> it's definitely not a triode like the historical type but a tetrode.
> Unfortunately I've checked a lot of URLs for technical data without
> any success. I'm still wondering if this YU 204 manufactured by
> Triton Electron Technology (yes, I've checked their power grid
> database as well) could be used for a VTTC.
> Regards Herwig
I obviously didn't read your note carefully enough! Sorry....