Re: NST and GFI ?
Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: Esondrmn@aol.com
> In a message dated 2/13/00 5:56:59 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com
> writes:
> << Original Poster: CTCDW@aol.com
> GFI protection is generally NOT considered a good thing for coils..I have
> actually been able to run my coil (15/60) from a GFI outlet, but I think
> that
> is the exception, rather than the rule.
> chris
> >>
> Chirs,
> That's good. Heck, I have an old refrigerator out in the garage that won't
> even run off of a GFI outlet. Too much leakage current I guess.
> Ed Sonderman
I think i know way you could run your coil from a GFI outlet:at my job, TV
production, we test many GFI outlet from different mfr for safety reason
(pool in studio) and near half of them dont trig if we put them in water ,
safe at all.
Luc Benard