Homebrew HV trannie
Hello, All
as long as the subject is up again, I'll ask this. Would the transformer
cores from a large (250A) arc welder seem suitable for a rewind as HV
transformers? I may be able to get my hands on a scrapped unit, with
three very large such transformers in it. One has the variable core
shunt, the other two don't have any mena of adjustment. But, there is a
high/low current setting switch on it, so it may switch one or both of
them in or out of circuit, I suppose.
They seem rpime for a rewind, as the only thing holding on the "I"
section of the E-I core are little strips of metal thinly welded on. A
few minutes with an angle grinder will take care of it.
I'm not sure what can wear out on an arc welder, but the people who have
it tell me that it is unusable. Each core (E-I style) seems to have about
a 16"^2 cross section. How many kVA could I push one too?
Grayson Dietrich
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