
MMC Calculator Program

Hi All,

	I wrote up a little program that will do all those nasty MMC calculations.
 It is at:	


It is a version 1.0 in QBASIC but it basically does the job.  A sample
output is:

MMC Calculator  Ver. 1.0  2/15/2000  Terry Fritz
Firing voltage =  12100 
Fo =  145000 
Break rate =  120 
Cap value =  5.6E-08 
Strings   Caps/String   Total Value   Temperature   Cost
  3         7            24.00        11.41          30.45  Some Risk
  4         9            24.89         7.31          52.20  Safe
  5        12            23.33         4.56          87.00  Very Safe
  6        14            24.00         3.63         121.80  Very Safe
  7        16            24.50         3.02         162.40  Very Safe
  7        17            23.06         2.79         172.55  Very Safe
  8        18            24.89         2.60         208.80  Very Safe
  8        19            23.58         2.44         220.40  Very Safe

It can be easily modified, copied, stolen, etc. as you please...

It does not do voltage but if you stay under 2000 volts per cap your ok.

It is sort of geared to my Panasonic caps but if you change the heat
dissipation constant in line 1260, it should basically work for any.  It is
based of the calculations at:


Most things are worst case but the numbers seem to work fine.  Hopefully
this will make MMC design much easier especially for the critical
temperature rise aspect.

Comment suggestions welcome.  I am no computer programmer but the basics of
how the program works should be easy to see.



BTW - Thanks for all the great interest in my latest batch of Panasonic
caps!  Looks like I won't be stuck with $1400 worth of them for very long
;-))  Hope I don't need another thousand...

BBTW - Reinhard, I just drew a straight line for the dissipation function.
Seemed to be close enough...