
Re: Big Time Coil Problems...

Hi Ryan,

Comments interspersed.

Original Poster: "Ryan Ries" <spud@wf.net>
>Man, I'm really mad now.  Our coil is not working at all
>(again?!).  Our power source is 150v going into 15Kv/
>90ma transformer to make 18Kv.

Have you measured this? Or are you *just* assuming this?
Pumping 150V into a 15kV NST will NOT necessarily result
in 18kV output. The ratio calculation only holds true for a
certain voltage range and 150V IS pushing it. Remember,
manufacturers  build on the "cheaper means more profit"
basis, esp. when it comes to the heavy iron core.

>We are using a 6" secondary wound with 22 gauge wire.
> (Albeit short winding, it should at least be doing something!)
>Our caps are mica transmitting caps in series to make
>.00325µf at 20Kv.

3.25nF@15kV result in 0.73J, which is not a lot for a 6" coil
Your 6" diameter sounds okay to me, but you don´t provide
enough info for more help. # of turns, top load, etc, etc are

>I believe this is where we are going wrong.  We can get no
>output at all from the coil no matter what.   Do we just need
>a better capacitor system to fix the whole thing?  I know the


What does your primary config look like? Does the gap fire?
If so, how does it sound? It sounds to me like you are way
out of tune or trying to tune to a high (numbered) harmonic
of the secondary´s FRes.

Coiler greets from Germany,