Re: 20 gauge wire
In a message dated 2/11/00 8:30:57 AM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com
<< Hi Adam,
you may have missed a point somewhere -
> Well, I would be quite happy if I got 10% more spark from this secondary
> alone, but my real reason for my building a larger secondary is to allow
> to use a larger primary cap and more input power. I'm going from 0.01uF
> 0.03uF, and I need both a larger secondary and a larger toroid to be able
> tune this system without having to build a larger primary coil (not an
> option for me right now).
To tune with a larger Cpri just use less Lpri or a larger Csec - what
Reinhard said about toroid sizing is very true - use the largest toroid you
can for the best output.
Nick Field
I have a 6" secondary, using a .05 ufd primary cap, running up to about 7kva.
I know this is pushing this secondary and am sure I would get better
performance with an 8" or 10" secondary. Might just rebuild it someday.
Ed Sonderman