
Re: multiple gap question

In a message dated 2/11/00 7:34:28 PM !!!First Boot!!!, tesla@pupman.com 

 Hi Ralph....
 you need to see the past posts on " A Better Wheel"  i redesigned the RQ
 gap to be linear and apposed ...I believe Terry may still have the
 pictures on his site ...  the gap has alot of advantages ( but there are
 still a few that need improving) Im using mine on a 10 KVA pig  the gaps
 air cooled and im getting great results for a static gap setup....
 Scot D

I am considering building a linear forced air gap to test on my 6" coil 
running at 7kva to compare to the performance of my async rotary.  I would 
like to check yours out and get some ideas.  I envision two pieces of plastic 
(maybe .25" lexan) about 3 or 4" wide and as long as necessary.  Using about 
10 copper pipe sections (purchased couplings,not cut - so hopefully they are 
all the same length) spaced about .030" apart.  The plastic could be routed 
on a mill so there is a slot down the length of each just as wide as the 
copper pieces.  Do you run a bolt through the center of each pipe section to 
clamp it in place?  The gap would need end pieces and some bottom tapered 
pieces to act as a manifold to connect to a vacuum motor.  Is this the right 

Do you know which web site might have pictures of your gap?

Does anyone have the phone number, part number and price of the vacuum motors 
that were discussed a while back?

Ed Sonderman