
Re: Tube data

Herwig, Terry, ALL
One of the more powerful  tube search engines I've found is sponsored
by Duncan Amplifiers.  It will at least give standard operating
for a given service, and most tube have real characteristic curves!!


Dave Sharpe, TCBOR
Chesterfield, VA. USA

Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Herwig Roscher" <herwig.roscher@gmx.de>
> Hi coilers,
> I've just acquired a vacuum tube YU 204. Unfortunately I couldn't
> find data in the Power Grid Tubes List provided by the manufacturer
> Triton Electron Technology, PA. Could anyone please help me? I'd
> like to know technical data and pinout in order to decide, if this
> tube was suitable for a tube powered TC.
> Regards         Herwig