
Re: Getting Started (was Re: Arcs off the fingers... )

>                 My first hint of a Tesla Coil came when I was about 8 and
> read about a 1/2 wave horizontal model in a book on spark coils. It
> was many years before I got around to building one. Much time and
> wire was wasted at that stage in learning about tuning rules. I had no
> idea then that sparks could reach many feet or come out white hot.
> The description in the book was of "purplish sparks about 3 -  4"
> long). The book came from a library and I have no idea who wrote it.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
    Hi, Could that book you are reffering to be called "Experimental
Electricity for Boys" by Willard Doan? I have never seen the book, but while
surfing the net I came across of a digital version of the artical that I
think you are reffering to, you Can find it at


I built a coil based on the articall here to start from, but I went a little
overboard powering it with 10KV. - Works great though. It's the only coil I
have, I am working on the numbers for a larger coil now.

Troy Peterson [VE7SOK]