Re: Stacking Variacs - shaft material
on 2/8/2000 1:45 PM, Tesla List at tesla@pupman.com wrote:
> Original Poster: Eric Leighton <ELeighton@portdiscovery.org>
> I want to stack the two 10A variacs I have, and want to know what material
> the shared shaft has to be. The original shaft is 3/8" aluminum, and I have
> some 3/8" stainless tubing that I think will work, as long as it doesn't
> have to be aluminum. I figured that plain old (magnetic) steel might not be
> so good for a shaft that goes through the core, no?
It doesn't matter what material you use, as long as it's the right outer
diameter, and it's strong enough. The home depot near me sells 3-foot 3/8"
steel rods, just for reference.