Re: Primary-Secondary spacing
Hi Chris,
This is my first reply to the list since July in MN. I'm living in Modesto, CA
now and "finally" settled in. Thought I would reply and in the process let
everyone else know I'm back on the list (and my new email address).
Hi everyone!
Barton B. Anderson
> The primary forms create a .75" gap to the first turn (each side) if the
> primary form is almost touching the sec, is this enough?
If your talking about a pri/sec winding gap of 0.75", I would suggest a larger
gap at least double (1.5"). But if your talking about simply the primary forms
themselves at 0.75"a way from the secondary, I would say it's ok. I've used
sealed wooded forms much closer than 0.75" and have never arced through the
forms to the secondary.
> I have procured some large diameter nylon threaded rod and was wondering if
> this would be a good idea.
> Drill a hole through the base of the secondary and glue a nylon nut inside.
> Thread the nylon rod through the hole and have a small stepper motor on the
> bottom of the shaft under the table. Coupleing could be adjusted in realtime
> while the system is running and with the operator across the room.
> Is this a dumb idea?
I think it's a great idea. I'm sure many have thought to do this. I have, but I
just never got around it. You just need to make sure secondary voltages (should
they take the opportunity) can't travel to the controller. A small dc motor
would probably be a bit easier to incorporate.