second light!
I finally got my transparency sheet cap fully assembeld and the
optoelectronic mains switcher design improved and working flawlessly.
Yesterday powered up the whole tabletop 1.8"x9" TC assembly for the first
time after I had dumped those the awful beer bottle caps. That 8nF
transp.sheet cap really works miracles - no corona, no RF losses. Maybe I
was lucky with the sheet material, because the cap stays nice and cool,
even during "constant" operation (>10 min). My best recommendations for
this cap type!
Now, the fantastic result is I get wonderful 7" purple-to-white
streamers to air, and 13" hits to a grounded rod! Beats by far what I had
hoped to achieve with this small TC! 8-)
One question for further improvement:
is there any power handling limit for increasing the tank cap size?
I mean could the 1.8" diameter AWG#28 wound coil handle the energy dump
from a larger, say 20nF at same voltage, cap? Is there a formula for
maximum energy in relation to coil diameter?
Also, I'd guess a lower resonant frequency would be better(?) for future
designs, because less cycles can pass until the spark gap is quenched?
many thanks,
Jan Florian Wagner
jwagner@cc.hut.fi, petwag@kolumbus.fi