
Re: Cool Idea

Hi Mike, Ted, all,

> Original Poster: Hollmike@aol.com
>    Good idea, but Radio Shack sells a little tip cleaner that works on
>the same principle(don't know the price, but it shouldn't cost more
>than a buck or two).  It also has solder to re-tin the tip.  Also, you
>should try wiping the tip off  with a dampened sponge. My soldering
>iron come with one on the stand.
> Mike

I forgot to add this trick in my other post. These sponges have
two sides. One which looks just like a sponge, while the other
side is made of temperature resistant material. It looks more
like a cloth than a sponge. This is usually the side on which
you should wipe your iron. However, it actually works better
if flip it upside down (sponge side up that is). The smoother
side does a good job of wiping the iron, but it does a rotten
job of keeping excess solder and/or bits of wire (like when
de-soldering something). Usually, this stuff ends up staying on
the tip of the iron. Flipping the sponge over prevents this from
happening as the sponge pores actually entrap the junk from
your tip and prevent them from clinging to it. Try it. YouŽll just
love the results. Before you re-moisten the sponge, turn it over
and tap it out over a wastebasket. YouŽll be surprised as to
how much trash collects over a short time. This method leads
to a decreased sponge life (but a happier soldering junky),
and as you said, they are cheap enough.

Coiler greets from Germany,