
Re: Arcs off the fingers and getting killed in the process...

Hi Robin,
               the pupman safety FAQ is almost universal anyway, anyone who
looks at enough sites to be able to build a coil will be guaranteed to come
across it.

Nick Field

> Original Poster: Robin Copini <rcopini@merlin.net.au>
> I would like to say something about this topic as I went straight to a
pole pig
> setup capable of 10 foot arcs and better. Almost all the info I got for
> building
> this came directly from this list - particularly looking at web sites. I
> I've been to almost every website there is to do with coiling and HV in
> general.
> Even though I have all the failsafes etc, MMC with bleed resistors etc, I
> STILL am
> VERY CAUTIOUS when approaching my coil when it's off, (sorry for
shouting), The
> question remains - how do we instill this 'awareness' of every part of the
> coil,
> and it's dangers to others. I think this comes back to those of us that
> display our
> coils on the web. It should be possible to develop a standard warning
> screen at the
> top of  EVERY tesla web page,(make it compulsory if necessary to join the
> webring - no flames about compulsory please - one life saved would be
worth one
> page), describing basic dangers and then linking to one universally used
> page - much like the one at pupman.com.
> Just my two cents worth
> Kindest Regards
> Robin in OZ.
> Tesla List wrote:
> >
> >
> > Tesla List wrote:
> >
> > > So how do we try to convince people that Tesla coils can kill very
> > > in this new world...  And how do we convince them that those old
> > > of people arcing things of their fingers is really dangerous when it
> > > like so much fun...
> >